Same Plant Different Pots
By Courtney Dutch
After doing yoga I looked out on my porch last week and I noticed the rosemary herbs that I planted in 2 different pots months ago. Both plants were similar in health and height when I bought them, but they now look very different. One plant is brittle and small without new growth and even has a weed growing alongside it. The other plant is lush and vibrant and provides well for my recipes. The healthy plant’s pot has great drainage, and the frail plant doesn't, so the soil has become very stagnant as a result.
The same is true in our yoga practice! Our yoga practice provides incredible drainage for our bodies through yoga breath and movement. Each time we arrive on our yoga mats everything stale and stagnant is excavated from our tissues so that it can be processed and eliminated. Circulation is freed up to pick up and carry out the physiological and psychic debris we tend to pick up in our lives.
Be sure to nourish your “pot” to support your health through your yoga practice.